Keep Moving Through Menopause

Emma Simarro
Women's Health and Fitness Coach

Hi, I'm Emma Simarro,  a personal trainer and women’s health coach. I started Build Body Confidence just three years ago to introduce women to the benefits of strength training and build true and long-lasting body confidence. Not one measured by the scales or a dress size, but what comes from within.

I work with many wonderful women at every stage of the menopause journey and apply a very holistic approach to support their health, mindset and body literacy throughout the journey.

The more we understand our bodies and how they work, the better we can do.

Strength training is an important element of this and one I am incredibly passionate about.

The benefits for women at every stage of life are unprecedented, but especially during the menopause journey.

From building muscle, losing fat and preventing injury, to supporting a positive mindset, promoting sleep and managing stress; the results speak for themselves.

I’m here to show you that exercise doesn’t need to be complicated or scary; we can do it together.

Stretch Out and Ease Joint Pain with this Short Video -  Easy to Follow Mobility Session


Blog Articles...


Some days I can barely remember what day it is, let alone the names of my children or don’t ask me why I walked into a room!

These can often be overlooked; we’re busy women and retaining all the information is hard at the best of times.

But brain fog can become increasingly frustrating when it starts to interfere with our everyday lives ….

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I knew that would get your attention!

We are obsessed with our fat versus muscle composition as a determinant of good health, but how much attention do you give your bones?

Because they need a whole lot more attention. We all need to be talking about our bone health much more because as it's a silent health epidemic that is almost entirely preventable.
Because the thing with osteoporosis is, there are virtually no symptoms until you break a bone.
At which point, it's almost inevitably too late. Make no bones about it, we need to do something ….


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Videos …

Meet Emma Simarro

What's All The Fuss About Strength Training?


Meet Emma Simarro - TBP


What's All The Fuss About Strength Training?


Monthly Workouts with Emma Simarro

Motivation and Ideas to keep you moving through the Menopause

When experiencing symptoms often the last thing we want to do is exercise our bodies, yet this can have a huge effect on our Pausal Journey - 

Emma's energy and understanding of the challenges women are facing really shines through each of her exclusive monthly workouts, designed to get you moving and build a habit which will benefit you for the rest of your life. 

Tell Me More About How to Access These Monthly Workouts

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