Here you will find the individual ingredients we use in our DIY Household & Personal Care Products.
The Products are Free From Damaging Toxins & Chemicals, Cost Effective and Easy to Make

Some of the ingredients can be used in many different products.
Take a look at our growing collection of DIY HOW TO VIDEOS for inspiration. 
They're a great way to take control & embrace non toxic products with confidence
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Sodium Bicarbonate of Soda (Baking Soda)

By Hexeal

A common ingredient in many non toxic cleaning products as well as personal hygiene and of course food.
DIY Vids - Dishwasher Tablets, Washing Powder


Organic Liquid Castile Soap

By Freshskin Beauty Ltd

A common ingredient in many non toxic cleaning products. 
DIY Vids - Dishwasher Tablets, Hand wash, Washing Up Liquid


100% Organic Castor Oil

By Fushi

A common ingredient in many non toxic cleaning products. 
DIY Vids - Body Butter


100% Organic Shae Butter

By Pra Naturals

A common ingredient in many non toxic cleaning products. 
DIY Vids - Body Butter


Citric Acid - Food Grade, Non GMO

By Aksoy

A common ingredient in many non toxic cleaning products. 
DIY Vids - Dishwasher Tablets


Really Good Vitamin E Skin Oil

By Fushi

A common ingredient in many non toxic cleaning products. 
DIY Vids - Body Butter, Handwash 


Organic Pure Essential Oil - Lemon

By Tisserand Aromatherapy

Adds extra health benefits and aroma.
DIY Vids - Dishwasher Tablets, Washing Up Liquid, Hand Wash


Organic Pure Essential Oil - Orange

By Tisserand Aromatherapy

Adds extra health benefits & Aroma. 
DIY Vids - Body Butter


Organic Pure Essential Oil - TeaTree

By Tisserand Aromatherapy

Adds extra health benefits & Aroma. 
DIY Vids - Hand Wash, Washing Up Liquid


Fractionated Coconut Oil

By Naissance

A super moisturising ingredient to many homemade personal care products. 
DIY Vids -  Handwash 


Organic Fractionated Coconut Oil

By Naissance

A super moisturising ingredient to many homemade personal care products. 
DIY Vids -  Handwash 


Borax Substitute

By Dripack

Used all around the home, non toxic substitute for Borax which is banned in the UK. 
DIY Vids - Washing Powder


Epsom Salt

By Elixir

Also known as Magnesium Sulphate these have many health benefits and multiple uses in personal care, plant care and household products. 
DIY Vids - Washing Powder


Sea Salt

By Grow Chem

100% natural salt, to use in homemade personal care/beauty products, household products as well as cooking. 

DIY Vids - Washing Powder


Organic Pure Essential Oil - Orange, Lime & Grapefruit

By Tisserand Aromatherapy

Adds extra health benefits & Aroma. 
DIY Vids - Washing Powder


Soap Nuts

By Ecozone

The planet's Natural Sustainable alternative to Washing Detergent. 
DIY Vids - Washing Detergent

View the DIY Household & Personal Care Videos

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