British Menopause Society - is the specialist authority for menopause and post reproductive health in the UK. Established in 1989, the BMS educates, informs and guides healthcare professionals, working in both primary and secondary care, on menopause and all aspects of post reproductive health.
FIND YOUR NEAREST MENOPAUSE CLINIC OR BMS ACCREDITED SPECIALIST - This map shows the details of both NHS and Private clinics and medical specialists. You can search based on your location
NHS - Menopause - An overview of NHS information, treatment and support
Menopause and the Workplace: How to enable fulfilling working lives - UK Government Response to the independent report
British Heart Foundation - Menopause - Heart and Circulatory Conditions
Cancer Research UK - Breast Cancer and Menopausal Symptoms
Age UK - Menopause Information
UK Parliament - Menopause and the Workplace - Women and Equalities Committee
GOV.UK - Women’s Health Strategy UK - 2022
International Menopause Society (IMS) is the specialist authority for menopause and post reproductive health in the UK. Established in 1989, the BMS educates, informs and guides healthcare professionals, working in both primary and secondary care, on menopause and all aspects of post reproductive health.
NICE providing national guidance and advice to improve health and social care.- Menopause Diagnosis and Management