Here's what our reviewers had to say...

For reviews with 2 seperate star ratings, the first is for the advertised benefit for the symptom of Dry Skin, the second for the anecdotal benefit of easing Restless Legs ..  


"I bought this for my mum who has suffered with restless legs for years. It improved the sensation a lot. Highly recommend this product."


"I have only just begun using this product due to having restless legs, it soaks into the skin nicely and is not sticky - the last few nights I’ve not been disturbed in the night, I will definitely keep on using it "


Overview: "Soothed my dry skin & improved my restless legs considerably"

How long before noticed a change in skin:  1 week

How does skin feel now: "Soft and smooth"


Menopause products review 5 star rating

"My restless legs has eased"

How long before noticed a difference in restless legs: 2-3 days

Elaine G

Overview: "I feel it has benefitted me, my sensitive skin is much better, smoother and less irritated. The restless leg symptom alleviation however, is why i will continue to use the product"

How long before noticed a change in skin:  4 days

How does skin feel now: "My skin which was previously very dry is a lot smoother and softer"


Menopause products review 5 star rating

"The restless legs have improved a lot. The times I have forgotten to apply it are immediately obvious as the symptoms return."

How long before noticed a difference in restless legs:  2 days.

Angela D

Overview: "It is a lovely skin moisturiser with an added benefit of magnesium. It has helped with leg cramps. Also used over my knee which could be painful but this has eased now too. A little goes a long way. Nice and easy to use. I have used magnesium oil before and it made my skin sting and itch straight after but this felt nice."

How long before noticed a change in skin: Just a few days

How does skin feel now: "My skin feels well moisturised, Nice feel and well absorbed. Not sticky greasy or itchy"


Menopause products review 5 star rating

"The restless legs have improved a lot. The times I have forgotten to apply it are immediately obvious as the symptoms return."

How long before noticed a difference in restless legs: few days

Amanda P

Overview: "I enjoyed using it. But sometimes felt a little too sticky to get straight to bed"

How long before noticed a change in skin: Subtle changes quite quickly.

How does skin feel now: "Feels ok."


Menopause products review 2 star rating

"I’ve noticed a small Improvement over the month"

How long before noticed a difference in restless legs: a couple of days

Alison T

Overview: "Loved the fact that it has completely helped with my restless legs. A little disappointed that I have to make sure I have removed all trace from my hands after use"

How long before noticed a change in skin:  few days

How does skin feel now: "Skin on hands dry and flaky"


Menopause products review 5 star rating

"The cream worked really well on my restless legs whereby I was able to sleep far better at night."

How long before noticed a difference in restless legs: first application

Sarah M

Overview: "Worked for me brilliantly on feet and legs. Smoother, softer skin and less restless legs symptoms"

How long before noticed a change in skin: "Straight away skin was less dry - within 2 days, softer  - within 1 week, smoother."

How does skin feel now: "Smoother and softer skin."


Menopause products review 5 star rating

"Much improved and waking me less frequently at night and not experiencing at all in the day time."

How long before noticed a difference in restless legs:  3-4 days

Deborah B

Overview: "The product itself I found to smell rather like a cheap discount store product which initially put me off but after a using it for a few days and enjoying the softness in the application I soon forgot the smell. I'm not sure whether the process of massaging the butter into my skin or the actual product was what gave me the slight improvement. I also found I couldn't apply directly before bed as it increased my night sweats having slightly tacky skin in bed" 

How long before noticed a change in skin: In a matter of days.

How does skin feel now: "My skin is definitely softer in general, I was hoping it would have had more of an impact on my dry elbows, it has softened them a little but after a month still a little rough."


Menopause products review 2 star rating

"I don't think it is has helped all that much, I have experienced a slight improvement but not 100% sure whether it is the product or the process I have enjoyed spending the 'me time' massaging it in."

How long before noticed a difference in restless legs:  Wasn't really noticeable so can't say.

Valerieanne C

Overview: "At first I didn't like the smell but after a while I didn't notice it. My skin felt smooth, I couldn't say if it's helped my arm or legs but I'll carry on using it until it's all gone." 

I will recommend to others.

How long before noticed a change in skin: "I can't really say as some better than others."

How does skin feel now: "Soft"


Menopause products review 2 star rating

"I still have restless legs now and again"

How long before noticed a difference in restless legs:  "Difficult to tell as it is not every night."

Steph C

Overview: "I found using the cream to be a positive experience for softness of legs and easing restless leg. I did find my hands became more sensitive after using it"

How long before noticed a change in skin: "About 2 weeks"

How does skin feel now: "Softer"


Menopause products review 4 star rating

"My restless legs symptoms eased"

How long before noticed a difference in restless legs:  "About 2 weeks"

Fiona G

Overview: "I really liked the product but also have MS and this may also be involved with the restless leg symptoms and the reason they didn't go completely"

How long before noticed a change in skin: "The effect of the body butter started to make a difference to the appearence within only a few days and I was surprised at how quick it was"

How does skin feel now: "My skin feels far more supple and is not dry now. My skin feels more like normal instead of being really dry"


Menopause products review 3 star rating

"I would say that I'm not getting the symptoms as often but they have not gone completely, probably about half as often as before but the nature of the symptoms are the same."

How long before noticed a difference in restless legs:  "This took longer, I would say 3 weeks before a noticed a difference."

Diane B

Overview: "I had to stop using it at night as it left a sticky leg feeling. I rub my legs together at night to get to sleep and I could not do that. It soaked into the skin only partly and left a heavy coating on the surface"

How long before noticed a change in skin: Instantly moisturises.

How does skin feel now: "Seemed to soad in well, but I didn't like the sticky feeling it left on the top."


"I don't think it has had any effect personally, but I did not use it at night due to being unable to rub my legs together for comfort to fall asleep due to the sticky feeling "

Charlotte C

Overview: "The cream didn't really make any difference to my skin and I didn't like the feel of it on my skin. It seemed to take a long time to soak in . But I did feel it helped with a more restful sleep."

How long before noticed a change in skin: n/a

How does skin feel now: "It doesn't feel any different"


Menopause products review 4 star rating

"It hasn't changed that much, but I did sleep better"

I would recommend to others. 

Purchase Better You Magnesium Body Butter...

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