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The Effects of Environmental Toxins, Personal Care Products, and the Impact on Hormones for Women in Perimenopause and Menopause environmental toxins hormones pamela windle specialist

Are you a woman experiencing perimenopause or menopause? If so, it's essential to be aware of the impact of environmental toxins and personal care products on your hormonal balance. These factors...

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Want To Know Why Your Joints Hurt So Much in Menopause?    pamela windle specialist

 You've been putting up with the shooting pains and aches for a while now. You thought you could cope with the symptoms at first, but now they're becoming overwhelming and annoying. 


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Weight Loss is Possible in Menopause pamela windle specialist

Menopause is a wonderful new chapter in a woman's life! As our bodies transition and evolve, we may encounter some new challenges, especially when it comes to our weight. But, don't let that dampen...

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