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The Menopause Positivity Planner - Symptom Tracking meets Journalling and more … journalling product review products symptoms

 At Pause and Unite we like to test out products ourselves or put ask women from our community to review them before adding them to our shop... Sarah from Positivity gave us a...

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Monthly Menopause Challenge - Discover This Free Tool to Help with Menopausal Symptoms monthly challenge specialist symptoms

Our May Challenge in our Pause and Unite Menopause Facebook Group is aimed to help you learn more about your breath - DID YOU KNOW THAT HOW YOU BREATHE CAN HAVE A HUGE IMPACT ON...

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Specialist Live with Pelvic Floor Expert and Personal Trainer, Gemma Carruth live specialist symptoms

Join us for a Live Q & A in the  Pause and Unite Menopause Facebook Group on 24th May 2023 - 7.30pm .

Gemma Carruth, Pelvic Floor Expert and Personal Trainer joins us...

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HOW TO OVERCOME STRESS AND ANXIETY DURING MENOPAUSE eft melanie moore specialist symptoms

Does it feel some days that your life is like running an everlasting marathon, one that is sometimes uphill, littered with obstacles, hurdles you have to jump over, a million and one people to...

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VAGINAL ATROPHY IN MENOPAUSE - ANDREA'S EXPERIENCE Part 2 experiences products symptoms

We join Andrea in this audio as she shares Part 2 of her Menopause Journey so far, in particular she shares her experiences with Vaginal Atrophy, the medical routes she has taken and the products...

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VAGINAL ATROPHY IN MENOPAUSE - ANDREA'S EXPERIENCE Part 1 experiences products symptoms

Andrea, a Pause and Unite Community Member shares her Menopausal Journey so far in this audio. Vaginal Atrophy has been a significant part of this experience and Andrea shares her findings with you...

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What are the Physical Symptoms of the Perimenopause? dr sally bell specialist symptoms

Perimenopause symptoms are unique to each woman. As the hormones produced by your ovaries – oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone – reduce and eventually cease, many physical...

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