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Balcony dining area overlooking the deli shop inside Delilah Fine Foods, Nottingham


delilah fine foods dr sally bell events Oct 03, 2022

Thrive through Perimenopause, a Delilah Fine Foods event was a collaboration between Dr Sally Bell, who specialises in Women’s Health & Nik Tooley, Delilah's very own Operations Director.

Even though we were expecting some nibbles, a wonderful surprise was that Dr Sally Bell’s talk was split into six sections, where she would speak for a little bit & then in between sections we were served one of 5 courses from a specially created menu.

Each course was connected to Dr Sally Bell’s ethos and message about lifestyle choices having an impact on menopausal health.

On serving the food Nik gave a brief description of the serving, the key ingredients used & where they were sourced, then the same was done for the accompanying glass of wine. He focused in particular on one or two of the ingredients within the dish and spoke about the health benefits of each, connecting each to its importance in relation to the menopausal transition which women go through.

Nik's passion & really high standards shone through each time he got up to speak. Delilah Fine Foods are known for sourcing top quality and sometimes unusual ingredients and producing award winning dishes. For this event the chefs had in mind key ingredients that help women on their menopausal journey. Helping to strengthen their body and help provide them with the nutrients they need to tackle some of the challenges that they face. Nik's collaborative approach with Sally meant that the ingredients were really brought to life and showed us just how tasty healthy food can be.

At the end of the event, we had the opportunity to walk around and take a look at all the products which were available for us to buy. We were so impressed by the event that we invited Delilah Fine Foods to work with us by collaborating with our nutritionist - Rebecca Wakefield, The Lincolnshire Nutritionist - to create a monthly menopause recipe for our members area featuring a key ingredient highlighted and discussed by Rebecca. 



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