How Hypnotherapy Can Help Women With Anxiety and Panic Attack
Jul 08, 2024Panic attacks affect numerous people. This can usually appear very distressing and can come with pains in the chest and breathlessness. There are many reasons why it might occur. Following scientific studies it is now known that stress is one of the greatest factors that cause panic disorder, including being in circumstances that cause anxiousness. Nevertheless, it may also happen suddenly and without reason at all. Everyone has a natural fight or flight response that triggers the release of adrenaline when we find ourselves in situations where we sense danger and feel the need protect ourselves.
Living with anxiety attacks can cause further difficulties, as well as the attack itself. Simply knowing that you suffer from this may trigger anxiety attacks, as you don’t know where or when an anxiety attack may occur. The chance of a panic attack happening again can stop people going out or entering into any situation where they think it might be triggered. A loss of confidence and self esteem is common for people with anxiety attacks, which in itself can lead to further anxiousness. Being with an individual that is experiencing a panic attack can be frightening but is far worse for the person going through it. In their lifetime as many as 10% of people may have a panic attack of some sort. For somebody living with panic attacks, they can have attacks frequently, causing huge problems in their life.
How do we deal with panic attacks
The medical community mainly offers medication. However, this simply addresses the symptoms, whereas hypnotherapy works to remove the cause. Hypnotherapy for panic disorder and anxiety can bring about constructive behavioural changes by improving the thought processes of the subconscious mind. We can manage triggers for panic and anxiety attacks and for some remove them altogether.
A hypnotic approach uses specialist techniques to teach the person new approaches to relax. We also teach to identify and remove triggers that may cause anxiousness. In addition we can resolve problems which cause panic or stress, and aim to eradicate further panic attacks. Sometimes we start certain behaviours in order to protect ourselves. This could be that someone becomes claustrophobic as a result of being frightened of being in a confined space as a child. The adult would like to stop this behaviour. This is where hypnotherapy comes in by updating this part of us. Sometimes we are completely unaware of the triggers for anxiety. Under hypnosis, however, sometimes these triggers can be identified. We replace the old negative behaviour with a more positive outcome.
Hypnosis for panic and anxiety attacks is an option for those that need individual supportive treatment. It can deliver notable results as an alternative, or alongside using the usual prescription medication. It combines hypnosis with cognitive behavioural therapy to create calm and tranquillity within the mind and relieves anxiety. In addition, it can help you to live a life without persistent worry and frustration. The subconscious is very powerful and adjustments made at this level are likely to be long lasting.
Affirmations are another way you can deal with anxiety. This article explains how: Affirmations for Anxiety Relief
How hypnotherapy can help with other issues
Hypnotherapy is a hugely successful treatment that supports clients in making alterations to adverse habitual behaviours. It is an effective treatment for many psychological and physiological issues like IBS, stress and anxiety, depression, psoriasis, high blood pressure, problem habits as well as the run of the mill issues like weight control and smoking.
I am an Anxiety UK approved therapist. Please follow the link for more information.
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