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February's Challenge - Keep Moving to improve your Menopause Symptoms

fitness monthly challenge pause&unite Jan 29, 2023

Our February Challenge in our Pause and Unite Menopause Facebook Group is aimed to motivate you to keep moving and to start a regular routine of Strength Training, an excercise which many specialists agree is a non negotiable when it comes to helping women move through Menopause. 

Join us in the free, private Facebook group for some easy to follow exercises (from Our Demand section on this website) which can be followed from the comfort of your own home. 

We will also share articles providing more information on the importance of exercise and the type of exercise which will help you during your Pausal Journey… 

Simply join our Facebook Group to take part. 

Rread our latest article published on Promensil’s website for more on the importance of Strength Training 

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