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Introducing you to a Super Cheap Non Toxic Natural Washing Detergent

cleaning products diy products homemade products non toxic May 15, 2024

Helping you to rid your home of endocrine disrupting toxic chemicals. This ‘How To…’ Video introduces you to a Super Cheap, natural non toxic Washing Detergent … 

If you want to know how to get 330 washes for only £10.99 press play ! 

We would Love to Hear how you get on … message us or better still tag @pauseandunite into any social media posts with your end result. 

We’ve listed the ingredients Alicia has used in the video below …. 

Soap Nuts -  Ecozone - 

Have Fun Washing .... x

Watch Our Other DIY - Non Toxic Household & Beauty Products Videos ..

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