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Elaine a member of the Pause & Unite community sharing her menopause experience so far


experiences Oct 02, 2022

Elaine, a Pause and Unite Member shares her Pausal Journey so far  …. 


My Menopause Journey 

I first noticed symptoms Oct 2021 at the age of 45. I suddenly become very unwell at work. I could not concentrate, had brain fog, could not focus or remember what I was meant to be doing. I also had a lot of pain that felt differently to Fibromyalgia pain that I suffer from. I was under the pain management team and they were very helpful with helping me understand pain better and check I was on the right medication to help control the pain. 

I had never heard of peri-menopause until I spoke with my sister in-law and she explained the symptoms associated with it and how it can affect you mentally. I contacted my GP and said I think I am peri-menopausal and they said they need to do some blood tests etc to rule out other health conditions. My periods had been every 3 months due to an enlarged pituitary gland and I had been taking medication every 3 months to make me have a period, I also had high levels of prolactin. I ended up speaking to more than one doctor and going for ultra sound tests both internal and external.

What I did find helpful was the chemist, I told them my symptoms and they were very empathetic and recommended I take ‘Menovital’ a multi vitamin for menopause. My sister in law had already recommended I take ‘Red Clover’. I found both of these vitamins eased some of the symptoms I was having.  

After a lot of back and forth speaking to GP’s, with them saying ‘I don’t believe it’s Peri-Menopause it may be Psychosis, depression or my Fibromyalgia’ and them putting me on anti-depressants, I started doing my own research, joining this group has been immensely helpful as I finally managed to convince a GP I was peri-menopausal.  In April 2022, I was finally put on HRT patches after I went back to the GP armed with a menopause symptoms check list and N.I.C.E. guidance. (National Institute for health and Care Excellence) and pretty much had to demand to be put on HRT patches. I started using the patches after my last period and since being on them I have not had a period; I still keep track of my cycle’s using a period tracking app called ‘Flo’ and I carry sanitary products with me just in case. Since being on HRT I have been able to cope better mentally but I still have occasional bouts of low mood due to the Peri-menopause and this has triggered my Psychosis.

I had counseling sessions with ‘Let’s Talk Wellbeing’, which I found very helpful and listening to a audio book called ‘Why Has Nobody Told Me This’ by Dr. Julie Smith, I have since bought a copy of the book; the section on understanding low mood has been very helpful.  


Visit the 'Your Stories' page for more audios of women sharing their experiences of their Pausal Journey. 

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