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Review - La Balance, Non Hormonal Magnetic Therapy for Menopause Symptoms - by Sassy La Femme

product review review sassy la femme Dec 18, 2023

Members of our community reviewed La Balance by Sassy La Femme - including Andrea - here is what she had to say after our review, Andrea noticed changes in her symptoms after just 2 weeks. 

"I am very early in my Pausal Journey and very open to trying new things. I don't know how it works but this little bit of magic for me is amazing. My Sleep, Moods, Anxiety levels and Fatigue have all improved since wearing La Balance."

25 women reviewed La Balance, a non hormonal, Magnetic therapy to help relieve menopause symptoms including Hot Flushes, Tiredness, Brain Fog, Aching Muscles and more.  Participants wore the magnet for 30 days. Sassy La Femme state that it can take up to 90 days for the effects to be felt from wearing the device every day, therefore they offer a 90 day money back guarantee if you are not happy with the results.

To read more of the results and comments visit the La Balance by Sassy La Femme Review page. 

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