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75mg Tub of Magnesium Butter - Better You

REVIEW - Better You - Magnesium Butter

products review Jan 10, 2023

“I bought this butter for my elderly mum who actually has a magnesium deficiency and is prescribed magnesium sachets to take daily.

For many years she has complained about a sensation in her legs, to which she describes it as ants crawling underneath her skin. It always occurs at night & sometimes is accompanied by cramps (all signs of magnesium deficiency). It improved once taking the sachets, but occassionally comes on with a vengeance!

She has seen all sorts of specialists/Drs about it over the years to which the final result was that they could prescribe a nerve medication to help ease it but these can have bad side effects, so she didn’t want to go down that route. A few weeks ago she had some really bad attacks at night, which kept her up all night & was leaving her exhausted.

I gave her the magnesium butter to try. The following night she slept, the sensation was still there, but nowhere near as bad as it had been. Over the next few nights she used the cream & said it improved the sensation a lot. She said for best results she needed to remember to apply it an hour or two before she went to bed. So she highly recommends the magnesium butter & says its great for using just as and when required.”

Jenny S.

If you are interested in trying this product Visit Better You - Magnesium Butter


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