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YOUR MENOPAUSE QUESTIONS - Advice on Which Supplements To Take Along A Natural Route

avogel q&a supplements Oct 02, 2022

Answered by Eileen Durward, Menopause Expert - A Vogel.
‘This situation is quite common in the menopause so you are certainly not alone here! This symptom is often caused by falling/fluctuating estrogen levels, which can affect the mood, resulting in uncontrollable thoughts or worry, or anxiety or fear.

In simple terms falling estrogen can 'activate' our limbic brain (which is the area of the brain controlling our survival instincts) and so when we are in any situation where there is even a small chance of anything threatening us this goes into overdrive in order to try and 'save' us. Unfortunately, in our modern day life there are so many potential hazard areas that can trigger the limbic brain and we can become over anxious and fearful very quickly.

There are a number of things that may help. You could try a fermented soya supplement as this is known to gently raise and balance oestrogen and I would add in magnesium 200mg twice a day and a vitamin B Complex to support the nerves.

You could also take a herb called Maca, this is lovely for calming the nervous system and easing anxiety - go for tablets or capsules not powder. 

There is a therapy that you can learn called EFT (just Google for more info)which helps you to feel in control of your anxiety and fears, you may be able to find a teacher near you or you can learn from books. I would also recommend acupuncture, this can be really effective in such situations in helping to both balance the hormones and also calm the nervous system down.

Watch what you are eating and drinking as high salt and sugar foods and any kind of caffeine (tea, coffee, fizzy drinks etc) can rev up your nervous system making symptoms worse. Dehydration and low blood sugars can be another factor so remember to drink lots of plain water every day and eat little and often.

Hope this helps!

However, if you feel that this is getting out of control then it is best to see your doctor. For some women the hormonal flux can get really severe and sometimes medication is the only answer until your hormones have balanced out.

Please just don't suffer with this!’

Thanks to Author Eileen Durward , Menopause Expert of A.Vogel.  

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